Friday, August 1, 2008

Favorite Cooking Websites

by Shauna James Ahern

has gorgeous pictures and great articles, and its won some awards...

Also, by Leanne Ely has a great plan for always having dinner on the table for your family. You can get ideas from her, also an inexpensive meal planner that includes a shopping list and lets you plan meals without buying a lot of extra stuff you don't need. She helps with setting up a pantry, using a slow cooker, and is on internet radio, also. The planners can be customized to all sorts of specialized dietary needs, also.

I love the show, America's Test Kitchen, and they have a great website, too. Its not just about the recipes, but about the art and science of cooking.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Musing on Sloths

We just watched a movie:

"Ice Age, The Meltdown"

I love that quote where the tiger insists the sloth is a part of the herd because he is "the sticky, gooey stuff that holds this herd together."

That's me in a nutshell. Sticky, gooey, syrupy. Holds this herd together--even though we are each very different. More different than any other family, yet we run together as one herd.

The first time I saw a real sloth, it was hanging onto a branch being carried by two Mosquito Indians in Nicaragua. The sloth was their dinner. He was captured by the men sawing off the branch he was hanging from. No cage or ropes required, he was just hanging on.

The current book I am reading is:

"The Gaslight Effect
learn how to stop letting other people get inside your head, tell you what to think, shake your judgement, sabatoge your self-esteem, make you question your grip on reality."
by Dr. Robin Stern.

It seems a lot of us give other people the power to carry us away, without putting up any resistance. They only have to saw off the branch we are hanging from.

I love the Sloth Song from the movie. I put the song on my playlist. Here's a link:

I want to be dancing and singing like I am living in a melting world about to be flooded and it is my last chance for joy. Care to join me?

Opinion on Cow's Milk and Milk Products

If you are comparing health, and strength eating dairy products and not eating dairy products, you might consider that many dairy products are not just a combination of different nutrients like calcium and proteins.

Dairy products have hormones from the mother cow in them because she had to be pregnant to begin lactation. There are many hormones designed to help a calf to grow, and any mammal's milk is a primary way to pass on immunity to various things. Yet these immune factors might be to things our human system does not get exposed to or is not susceptible to.

A calf grows to nearly a full-size cow in one year. Cow's milk is designed to do that. If you are wanting to grow, perhaps drinking a very large mammal's milk is a way to do it! However, I suspect that we humans as adults are finished growing upward, and end up growing outward!

Milk products might assist someone in regaining lost muscle mass, but I think is unnecessary to maintain it, particularly after adulthood. Our human bodies stop producing the enzymes needed to process milk proteins in adulthood, making milk increasingly harder to digest, and causing other problems.

Milk has residual medicines such as various antibiotics, anti-fungals, and pesticides from "cow dips" that they are dunked into to kill fleas and parasites. These might not be approved for human consumption, yet can be in the milk in residual form.

Milk has residuals of growth hormones and other things given to the cow to make her produce more milk. Also, the cow was bread to be physically capable of producing massive amounts of milk, consuming many extra calories to do this. It is possible that her lactation hormones are very strong and abundant, and could be present in her milk. There are some theories that breast cancer in humans is linked to these factors that milk producers have been using to increase milk production in cows.

Also, if the cow has an infection or inflammation of some kind, there is all of her body's responses to that in the milk. If the cow is stressed, there can be elevated stress hormones such as cortisol and andrenalin. There are many good sources of calcium and vitamin D that don't have all of these "biological additives." After all, we wean the calves from the cows very early so we can take the cow's milk. The calf then grows just fine without it. (Perhaps missing its mother, though.)


"Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.'

Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."

~Napoleon Hill 1883-1970, Author

Who Am I To Be?

“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

~Nelson Mandela



To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is risk failure.
But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing and is nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, feel,change, grow, love, live.
Chained by their certitudes, they are a slave, they have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.


Saying of the Day

Mile by mile it's a trial;
yard by yard it's hard;
but inch by inch it's a cinch.

Chinese Proverb

"Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."

---Chinese proverb

The Benedictine Code

Be An Instrument of Good

  • Learn to enjoy things without owning them.
  • Spend time each day with positive thoughts and ideas.
  • Own your personal limits.
  • Share your talents and time with the community.
  • Care for a plant, garden or other living things.
  • Learn to live with ambiguity.
  • Dress simply and neatly.
  • Reject consumption patterns that breed oppression for other people or the earth.
  • Find inexpensive ways to celebrate life.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Help create an atmosphere that fosters contemplation.
  • Develop a deeper appreciation for all creation.
  • Let nothing distract you from your main goal – to seek God.
  • Learn to eat sensibly and sensitively.
  • Make recreation healthy, happy and gadget-free.
  • Know the difference between significant travel and self-indulgent travel.
  • Live now the way you would honestly like to live.
  • Join with others in reshaping institutions in order to bring about a more just global society.
  • Seek peace and pursue it.
  • Become acquainted with different races and cultures.
  • Choose work that is fulfilling and contributes to the well-being of others.
  • Recycle whatever you can.
  • Purchase goods that are durable, usable and beautiful.
  • Make a yearly inventory of your clothes and possessions and develop a habit of giving things away.
  • Practice conservation of natural resources.
  • Speak from your heart.

~The Benedictines

A good way to live, whatever your faith. I received this code from a friend in 1989, and it has been a good way to live. I haven't always been able to follow all of it, but just in trying, I feel my life has had a soul-satisfying direction and purpose.

Quote of the Day

"Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it,
nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it."

--- Maimonides

Another Supplement for Autism

In addition to the supplement, DMG, mentioned earlier, a similar supplement called TMG can also be used for the same purpose.

Both of these nutrients have the effect of helping the body to detoxify heavy metals through the urine. TMG is trimethylglycine.

Both nutrients increase methylation. They work best when taken with folinic acid and methyl-B-12.Take 125 to 1,000 mg of DMG per day.

Take 175 to 2,000 mg of TMG per day.

Begin with the smaller dose and work up to the larger doses.

We have also used Octocosonol with our son.


"Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma and Allergies; The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders"
~ by Kenneth Bock, M.D., and Cameron Stauth

Visual Schedules for Helping People with Autism

After much experience trying many things, I intend to post the ones that have really helped and really worked for us in dealing with Life With Autism.

Autism has changed our lives, sometimes for the better. We have had to become more organized, learn more patience, and have more tolerance. The areas where Autism is pronounced, others in the family have had to be even better at, such as learning to be flexible.

In Praise of Dry-Erase Boards
I have developed my flexibility by implementing a visual schedule for our sons, as a learning tool and as an anxiety reducer. This began in preschool with the use of little picture icons with velcro attached that the teacher used to explain the day to the children. Later it became a dry-erase board that my son created at summer camp and carried with him. We even put up a huge dry-erase board on the wall in our hallway, to manage the many therapists and schedules for his ABA treatment.

This method is something I would now consider to be essential in helping someone with Autism to regulate themselves and for others to use to help them get through a day that often can include unwelcome changes, deletions, additions and other reasons for flexibility that the Autistic person doesn't seem to have.

I believe that the Autistic person does have some flexibility in them, but it is difficult to see this because of the sensory and other brain issues that make being flexible harder for them to do in real time.

I think that flexibility has two parts:

1. Anticipation
2. Preparation

Anticipation of an event allows a person to mentally and physically "brace themselves." If you are going to the State Fair on a sunny day, you will want to bring sunglasses, a hat, sunscreen, bug repellant if you are staying late, and perhaps a thin rain poncho, a water bottle and some hand wipes. This is to help you with dealing with the natural elements of the day that you will have less control over in the State Fair grounds than you would at home. If your senses are unusually sensitive, as in Autism, then any situation you have less control over might bring pain, discomfort, and anxiety.

Preparation is the way to deal with anticipation of an event with less anxiety.

Research Shows a person with Autism is less able to recover from Anxiety
If a person has less ability to recover from anxiety, then avoiding the anxiety in the first place is paramount.

The worst possible scenario for anyone is when they can only anticipate pain, surprises, being startled and unprepared, and even worse--anticipating being startled by pain.

What I think every Autistic person wishes others would know:

My theory of what its like to be an average Autistic person away from home (at school, on an outing, in the community, at work) without this kind of help, is that it is a never-ending feeling of anticipating being startled by pain.

Putting a schedule on a dry-erase board allows for changes to be written in as soon as the caregiver or teacher is aware of them, to allow the Autistic person to brace themselves. Any pain can be less by not having it be startling. When you have a hair-trigger sensory system, that doesn't return to normal easily or quickly, being able to prepare can be a life-saver. (The tendency for the entire day to be ruined from one unexpected change is less likely.)

It is a natural human tendency to want control over the things that matter to them. Control isn't just for control's sake. Sometimes people think this is about power, but what is power other than the ability to control the elements of one's day? Research has shown that even very painful events seem less painful if there is a sense of control involved.

Bracing isn't the same as wincing when you know a person is about to pinch you or give you a shot. This is the sense that you know you can handle whatever it is, painful or not. The idea in your head has to be that "I can handle this." In fact, people who cut themselves on purpose do it with the idea that the pain is under their control. Whereas in other areas of their lives, physical or emotional pain is completely out of their control. If you feel that you won't be able to control your reaction to the event, you will be more anxious just from that feeling.

So there is the event, and your reaction to the event. If you know your reaction will make things worse, then you have twice the anxiety, will require twice the control over yourself, than if you are comfortable with the feeling that you can handle this event.

If your senses aren't reliable, and your ability to control your reactions during events as they are happening is minimal, then your anxiety level can soar.

Anything you can do to anticipate and prepare in a functional way will help reduce anxiety for someone unable to do this for themselves.

In Praise of PRIMING
We do something called "priming."

Priming can be doing a "dry run" of something where a person's behavior is important.
It can be role-playing.
It can be taking a tour.
It includes reading about something in a book,
seeing something in a video,
writing a story about it,
journaling it,
taking pictures,
singing a song about it,
putting it on a calendar,
on a To Do list,
on a Schedule.

Everyone does this. But people with Autism really need this. They can't just do it in their heads, or hope to adjust as things happen in the moment. They need more time, and in the moment, there is no extra time. Planning ahead is all they have.

In Praise of TIMERS
We also make good use of a Timer.
We started by timing everything we do. Mom did this mostly, then we timed important things like chores. This makes arguing about them much more realistic. :D

Autistic persons are often "Lost In Time." They have a very hard time telling time, and sensing the passing of time, and estimating time, because time is a rather abstract concept, and abstract reasoning is often not their strong point.

We made an investment in a professional-looking stopwatch and a book about stopwatches.
Once we knew how long things really took, we could set the timer, and say we were leaving in 15 minutes, and REALLY MEAN fifteen minutes! What a relief.

The timer became a "self-regulating" mechanism. The timer also takes all the heat off Mom, because Mom can blame the timer for many things she used to get blamed for. Like periods of waiting. Autistic persons hate unplanned waits. They have very few resources for entertaining themselves while doing un-planned waiting.

Mom never takes advantage of this sytem by cheating and changing the timer when no-one is looking. I thought you were thinking that! But that is really counter-productive, because the goal is to teach the Autistic person what "fifteen minutes" feels like. Not to make his senses and internal sense of life experiences even less reliable.

A lot of these ideas came from and are described in the book:
"Activity Schedules for Children with Autism: Teaching Independent Behavior" by Lynn E., Ph.D. McClannahan , Patricia J., Ph.D. Krantz

The No Yeast Diet

The Anti-Yeast Diet

* Eliminate all yeast, and all foods that contain yeast or are made from yeast.
** Limit or eliminate foods that stimulate the growth of yeast.
***Eliminate foods that have other types of molds or fungus (fermented and aged foods.)

Foods to avoid:

Pizza Dough
Alcohol, especially beer

Sugar and other sweets
Corn Syrup
Fruit Juices
Vinegar-based salad dressing
Some barbecue sauces
Sour Cream
Brown Tea (made from fermented leaves)

The Anti-Candida Diet and Autism

I recommend taking a further step with regard to yeast problems with Autism.

We implemented this for several years with our son who improved remarkably during this time, while also receiving other therapy.

Yeast is also called Candida Albicans. Autistic persons can have an impaired immune response to yeast as mentioned in an earlier posting. Enormous amounts of yeast can be in a child's system at a given time. And the threadlike hyphae of the mycelium from the yeast can penetrate the mucous membranes and the lining of the intestine and cause permeability there, which causes further problems with immunity.

Besides simply eliminating yeast from the child's diet, a Doctor can prescribe an ingestible anti-fungal called Nystatin, in a powder form, a drinkable liquid, and a cream for topical application. Keep Nystatin in the refrigerator but do not freeze it.

Nystatin is a polyene antifungal drug to which many molds and yeast infections are sensitive, including Candida. Nystatin has some toxicity associated with it when given intravenously, but it is not absorbed across intact skin or mucous membranes. It is considered a relatively safe drug for treating oral or gastrointestinal fungal infections.

Skin, vaginal, mucosal and esophageal Candida infections usually respond well to treatment with nystatin. Cryptococcus is also sensitive to nystatin. It is used for treating oral thrush. Nystatin is often used as prophylaxis in patients who are at risk for fungal infections, such as AIDS patients with a low CD4+ count and patients receiving chemotherapy. It is prescribed in units, with doses varying from 100,000 (for oral infections) to 1 million (for intestinal ones).

As it is not absorbed from the gut, it is safe for oral use and does not have problems of drug interactions.

The lotion can be applied to the skin, and the powder can be mixed with honey in very small doses at first, and given to the child. The taste is quite bitter, but many Autistic persons like a bitter taste, or don't seem to mind it. Perhaps because it helps them to feel better. It is important to begin with very tiny amounts of the powder, as small as 1/16th of a teaspoon, and work gradually up to a theraputic dose. This is because the yeast will have a "die-off" and the dead yeast and yeast by-products are toxic to the system if all of it dies off at once.

A guide to the diets recommended for Autism is found in this book and several others:

"Feast Without Yeast: 4 Stages to Better Health: A Complete Guide to Implementing Yeast Free, Wheat (Gluten) Free and Milk (Casein) Free Living"
-- by Bruce Semon, Lori Kornblum, and Bernard Rimland (Paperback - Nov 1999)

To go this further step sounds like more work, but I think that killing off a yeast infection that might be irritating the entire sensitive digestive tract of an Autistic child can only help them. Nystatin does not work like an antibiotic. It doesn't kill off the "good bactiera" in the GI tract, only the fungal infection. Nystatin doesn't get absorbed into the bloodstream of the child, so it causes no side effects other than that caused by the dead yeast itself passing out of the child's system.

Its a non-invasive treatment, the drug is not habit-forming, causes no harm to the child, and even if the yeast isn't a very big problem for a particular child, you have nothing to loose by trying this, and everything to gain.

More about Diet and Autism

Some more about Autism and diets.

The things in the last post are not exactly foods themselves, but things added to foods to change them in some way. You are not really eliminating any true foods if all of these are gone from your child's diet. It may seem like there is "nothing left to eat" when you go to the store. But really everything "left" is the actual food itself. You still have all the foods your Grandparents ate and enjoyed and thrived on. All of civilization before 100 years ago, lived just fine on foods that contained no preservatives (other than salt, vinegar and some spices), no high-fructose corn syrup, no artificial dyes (they had beet juice, turmeric, blueberry and some others), and no nitrates. They had "slow-acting" yeast, which worked just fine for making breads and beers. They had refrigeration, freezing, canning, root cellars, drying and heating. All non-chemical ways to keep foods safe to eat.

They had fermentation as a preservative, which is the only thing that is not available on this diet at this point. Fermentation often produced alcohol, which works to preserve the food, or creates acidity which also inhibits bacteria. For a good replacement for vinegar, substitute lemon or lime juice. Alcohol is actually ok on this diet, of course not for youngsters.

So what to eat, and how? Just shop around the outside of the grocery. Buy produce, fresh meats that aren't processed, canned, frozen and dried goods that have no artificial preservatives or dyes. Shop more often, buy smaller amounts and cook them fresher, and more often from scratch. You don't have to cook "fancy" recipes to cook from scratch. In fact, some meals are great without any cooking at all. Try serving a fresh fruit, like grapes, with a bowl of mixed nuts, and some celery, carrot and red pepper sticks on a plate. A baked potato with olive oil and salt is a nice filler.

Good preservative substitutes are:
citric acid, available as a powder in bulk form,

vitamin E. (Buy as a liquid or empty a capsule into a preparation.)

Alcohol is fine, although not for children, or if used let the alcohol cook off or evaporate.*

Salt is fine. As are garlic and herbs that inhibit bacterial growth.

Also, as mentioned above, freezing, refrigeration, canning, drying, boiling.*

Avoid using rubbing alcohol for external things (obviously not to drink) use Vodka instead. Rubbing alcohol has been seen by some as a cancer-causing agent.

The next things to try to eliminate, as part of an elimination diet that works for Autism about 30% - 50% of the time is the GF/CF diet. This is where we actually eliminate foods that can cause problems for specific types of people. The GFCF diet is not a weight loss diet, although some current weight loss diets have this as a component. Oprah's current 21-Day Cleanse eliminates both gluten and casein, but also eliminates meat. GF/CF stands for gluten-free/casein-free. Gluten is a protein in wheat and some other grains. Casein comes from milk and milk products. (Eggs are ok.)

The gluten-free part of the diet is almost exactly like the diet recommended for celiac patients. Even extremely tiny amounts of gluten can cause a problem, so following a celiac-type diet is going to cover this.

The casein-free part of the diet is similar to what you might do if you are lactose-intolerant, but it is not the lactose that is the real problem here (although lactose might be an additional problem--its not what causes the Autistic-like symptoms.) In other words, choosing lactose-free milk means that you still will have all the casein in the milk. And adding Lactaid to a dairy product only "fixes" the lactose-intolerance, not the casein problem.

So you have to eliminate all milk, and milk products, like cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, ice cream made from milk or cream, butter (unless it is clarified butter, sometimes called "Ghee".)*

In addition, casein is a very common food additive. Read all the labels on the foods that are processed to look for anything that uses casein. You also might have to check your personal care products like shampoo, and makeup for wheat and casein additives. And sometimes, even the gluten-free candies have been made using flour on the preparation boards to keep them from sticking together. So at this point you will have to call manufacturers to be sure they aren't using either gluten or casein in the preparation, even though it is not a listed ingredient. This is where buying whole unprocessed foods comes in very handy. A sack of potatoes is just a sack of potatoes (hopefully) unless, of course it has been sprayed with a chemical at the farm or in the warehouse. This is where organic foods are helpful, but not essential to this diet.

Many people start by eliminating the dairy products first. There are now many good substitutes for milk. Not-so for cheese. Many vegetarian cheeses have casein added to them. Substitute non-hydrogenated oils, nuts and nut-butters for cheeses. Butter can be clarified, but I highly recommend substituting it with organic, extra-virgin olive oil.

Gluten-free products are available now more than ever. There are many places you can find them, and many regular grocery stores carry a line of gluten-free products. Generally, for starches, we use potatoes and rice. Corn starch can be used to thicken things, instead of flour. Tapioca is OK. Oatmeal is ok, but check to see that it is certified gluten-free (oats are often grown in fields next to wheat and can be combined accidentally.) Popcorn is OK, Corn chips are OK. Salza is OK.

Give this diet about 6 months to see results. Nobody is going to starve. The whole family is on this diet and after an initial adjustment there is no problem finding things to eat and enough to eat. It is more a mind adjustment than a body adjustment. And if you do a little cooking, you don't have to spend any more money than you already do.

Entire cultures of our world live practically gluten free and casein free (until recently if they have become "Westernized".) For example, your local Chinese restaurant has many gluten free, casein free dishes--almost all of the traditional ones are.**

Traditional Mexican food was based mostly on corn flours, and had very little cheese and dairy. Cheese is almost an afterthought, added as a topping, and so it is easy to request dishes to be served without it.

* To make clarified butter, or Ghee, simply warm it until it melts, and then skim off the milk solids that float to the top. What is left looks "clear," hence the name.

** Watch out for "soy sauce" most soy sauces are made from wheat in this country. Buy some Tamari (soy sauce which is actually made from soy) which is labeled gluten-free and bring it with you.

Discussion on Diets and Autism

I know Autistic person's often are very picky eaters, sometimes to the point of it being like an eating disorder. It has been speculated that a small percentage of Anorexics have a form of Autism. However, given this, certain things aggravate the Autism, and if you eliminate them and their brain function improves, it is much easier to get them to stick with the changes because they themselves feel better and think clearer. So give any dietary change some time to work, at least 2 weeks. You can try making any changes gradually over a period of time, so that it doesn't become an "issue" (i.e., the focus of a tantrum.)

People hate diets, I know. And the thought of putting someone already suffering onto any kind of further restriction sounds horrible at first. But if you consider that these suggestions have worked for others, when nothing else has, this might help. Also, eliminating something is cost-free. And if that something is possibly poisonous to your child, even when others can tolerate it, then you are only removing an irritant to their system, like removing an allergen from someone who is allergic. If your child is allergic to cats, it is an easy (but sad) choice to find the cat another home, and it costs nothing to you. Try eliminating one of these things at a time, waiting two weeks, then eliminating another, and keep notes to see how things are going. Don't forget to notify the school or day-care, and enlist your extended family in helping you "test" this, so everyone is on the same page when you start.

List of things to eliminate that might be making the Autistic symptoms worse:
Aspartame; an artificial sweetener in sodas and diet foods. This is a neurotransmitter that exictes the brain and that is why it tastes sweet. It has been shown to cause brain swelling in pilots, migrane headaches and, paradoxically, weight gain.

Nitrates; a preservative which is essentially Salt Peter. Salt peter is a chemical that once was used to keep soldiers from doing you-know-what. Of course it didn't seem to really work, but has been mythologized as some kind of conspiracy additive that soldiers discuss even now. Nitrate is found in almost all processed meats. It keeps the meat pink and changes the flavor. You can find nitrate-free meats in organic food stores.

Yeast and yeast by-products; yeast today is not the same as yeast 100 years ago. Now we have Super Yeast (fast-acting yeast) that has been bread to grow extremely rapidly and virulently. Even though it is baked and cooked, this yeast can proliferate if even a tiny amount remains uncooked. And if the child reacts to the yeast, the yeast by-products (the yeast "poop" and the yeast gas) can irritate the child's digestive tract and make it harder for the child to absorb the vitamins from foods he/she eats. Some people have switched to naturaly made soda breads, and sour dough breads. However, find out how they are made. You don't want a fake sourdough bread made with fast-acting yeast but with a little vinegar or some other additive to add a sour taste. Things to avoid include anything with yeast, but also most fermented things, like vinegar, pickles, etc.

High Fructose Corn Syrup;This sweetener is hard to get rid of since it is in just about everything that comes packaged. It is much sweeter than plain sugar. Try finding things that have plain sugar in them. There are some locally made sodas that do this still. The sugar feeds the yeast and can cause cravings and nutritional deficiencies because of this. Its a vicious circle--the sugar feeds the yeast, and the yeast grows extremely fast, causing sugar cravings. At this point, regular sugar is better because it is less sweet, and is less likely to be allergenic (corn is a very common allergen.)

Food Dyes and Preservatives;My son can actually taste the preservatives that the manufacturers claim to be tasteless. (He was tested in a college research program.) I guess about 10% of people can taste them. Artificial food colorings and preservatives (nitrates are one of them, so you have a good start already) can affect a child's behavior. Preservatives can be fine in very small amounts, but if you eat them with every meal for years at a time, they become irritants to the system, and become allergenic. The allergic response (histamines) can affect the brain of autistic persons.

If this sounds difficult, here is a way to think of it to help motivate you:Preserved food is OLD FOOD. With packaged, preserved food, you are paying extra for old food. Part of the food might look fine, but many vitamins, enzymes and other parts of the food have evaporated, degraded, or been purposely removed to keep the food from looking old when it really is old. With food colorings to "air-brush" the food to make it look like it is new, you don't really even know what it is you are really eating--chemically altered food that would have spoiled long ago.*

Sometimes there is a "withdrawal" effect from eliminating things cold-turkey, and this can happen particularly with Aspartame. So if your child is drinking 5 diet sodas per day, reduce it to 4 diet and offer one regular soda for a few days, then 3 diet and 2 regular, etc. Although, the added sugar might be a problem, the sugar is not your biggest concern at the moment. You can try substituting seltzer water mixed with juice as one of the drinks.

*I am not saying here that all forms of preservation are "bad." I feel refrigeration, freezing, canning (without vinegar), heating, salting, and root-cellar type storage don't pose the same problems.

Supplements for Autism

There are some supplements that have used with children with Autism for over 12 years now, and have had enough success as to be consistently recommended by parents to other parents, and have had some limited research to back them up. A supplement is not a cure. It is not really a drug, since it is not regulated as a drug.

A supplement is generally a natural substance, like a vitamin, that at some point was shown that some Autistic persons' were low in, or improved with taking them.

The three main ones that appear are:
Vitamin B6

*DMG = N, N-Dimethylglycine

I recommend purchasing one package, taking notes on behavior, amount and severity of tantrums and other measures of progress, like progress notes from therapists and school. Provide a single supplement, and give it about 2 weeks to work. A child might act differently at first-sometimes an improvment causes them to be a little more active, but then they settle down. After the package is used, go off the supplement for a week before buying another, and observe if the child gets worse without it. If he/she does, then you have some evidence that this helps them and you can justify the continued expense and trouble of giving it to them.

DMG is generally in a foil packet, as the tablets dissolve very easily in the open air. This makes them easy to give to the child, as they practically dissolve right on the tongue. My son as always seemed to like them and doesn't need to swallow them like a pill--he just chews them.

The dose is about 3 per day to start, for a very young child, age 3, and can be up to 6 per day. As they grow, you can add another tablet gradually.

B6 is given as a separate tablet. We cut them in half at first, and ground them up in a mortar and pestle and added the powder to baby food or honey. As the child gets older a larger dose can be given, but don't give a dose larger than an adult dose without consulting a physician.

Magnesium is given the same way. Start with half the adult dose. I use chelated Magnesium.

Don't consider a multivitamin to be sufficient with these last. An additional multivitamin is also a great idea, and there are some great tasting chewables out there that have no gluten, casein, or dyes in them.

I have heard of some Autistic children improving greatly--going from not speaking at all to speaking in sentences--on these supplements alone. I personally met one family who claimed this was true with their son, whom I also met. This was the deciding factor in getting me to go out and actually purchase them and try them, even though I had heard about them before that.

Food Colorings and Hyperactivity

Here's some of the current rationale for why food colorings cause hyperactivity for some children:

Hyperactive children appear to be deficient in an enzyme known as phenolsulphotransferase-P or PST-P.
This enzyme detoxifies various compounds, including a substance called p-cresol that is produced by bacteria in the gut. P-cresol is a phenol.

Phenols can be toxic. Food colorings inhibit this enzyme (make the PST-P enzyme stop working.) When this is the case, some Autistic persons respond well to a low-phenol diet.
This diet eliminates the phenols gallic acid and malvin.

Here is a sample low-phenol diet used by an Autistic person who showed improvment:
millet, buckwheat, oats, rice 100% rye
Pork, Rabbit, Duck, Fish (not tuna, salmon or halibut)
Broccoli, Turnip, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Artichoke, Sweet Potato
Sesame, Sunflower, Safflower
Sesame (Ryvitas), Rice Cakes, Oat Cakes, Rice Crackers
Nettle, Dandelion, Chamomile

--Diet based on the work of Dr. Abram Ber of Phoenix, AZ

Additional References for the Elimination Diet

My favorite reference on food allergies and for more on how to do an elimination diet:

"The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance: Prevention, Identification, and Treatment of Common Illnesses and Allergies Caused by Food"
by Dr. Johnathan Brostoff and Linda Gamlin

In my opinion, the part of the immune system, called Peyer's patches (small patches lining the ileum of the intestines) are going to hold the key to some of these mysteries in future research. Peyer's patches sample the contents of the intestines and prepare the body for the arrival of the food molecules into the bloodstream. When they are working correctly, they distinguish between food and disease molecules and direct the body's immune response based on that. Non-functioning Peyer's patches lead to susceptibility to prion diseases (mad cow.)

Peyer's patches include memory cells whose function is to actually "learn" over time, what to direct the larger immune system to do with various molecules entering the bloodstream.

Try This Diet First

The Elimination Diet

This is where you eliminate the most common allergenic foods from a child's diet, then wait a while, and add them back one at a time to see if they get an obvious reaction to them. This "catches" food allergies, mainly, but won't be the definitive answer if more than one food combined together causes the problem. When I tried to do an elimination diet, it didn't demonstrate to me the gluten/casein problem.

The most allergenic foods are:
Wheat, Dairy, Eggs, Peanuts, Corn, Soy

The next most allergenic foods are:
Chocolate, Yeast, Tree Nuts

After that, are:
Citrus, Tomatoes, Aspartame and MSG, Vinegar, Shellfish

And these are occasionally reactive:
Bacon and pork, Cinnamon, Mustard, Bananas, Grapes/raisins, Coconut, Onions, Berries (Strawberries mainly), Peas, Celery, Spices like turmeric, cloves, curry, Kidney beans, Melon, Pineapple, Mushrooms, Peppers, Plums, Barley, Beef, Chicken.

To begin this process, sometimes Doctors recommend the "Lamb and Pears" diet, where you only eat the least reactive foods for a week or two (not easy, but doable), then add back the ones from the above lists one at a time, to see how you react to them, spacing this out by going back to the non-reactive list for a few days in-between.

Least Reactive Foods (Generally), or "Lamb and Pears" Diet
Lamb, Pears, Rice, Carrots, Beets, Cauliflower, Kale, Squash, Salmon, Halibut, Sole, Cranberries, Trout, Apricots, Turkey, Broccoli, Olives, Olive Oil, Rabbit, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Tapioca.

Don't take any anti-histamines during this process, since you are looking for allergic reactions. (An allergic reaction is most often a histamine response.)

Don't eat any processed foods during this time, since they often mix foods together and some have traces of foods not on your list (if its a small enough amount, they don't have to put it on the label.) Also, you might be reacting to a preservative or food additive. If you include the preservatives as part of the re-introduction of foods, you might be able to isolate the one which is giving you problems.

List of Food Additives to Avoid
Dyes, Nitrites, Nitrates, Sulfites, Sorbic acid, Parabens, Benzoic acid, MSG, EDTA, Aspartame, Propyl Gallate, Alginate, Bromates.

I also try to eliminate:

- Anticaking Agents- Artificial Sweetening Substances- Color Retention Agents- Emulsifiers- Flavor Enhancers- Flavorings- Flour Treatment Agents, dough conditioners- Food Acids- Glazing Agents- Humectants- Mineral Salts- Other Preservatives- Propellants- Stabilisers- Thickeners & Vegetable Gums

In particular, I react to dough conditioners.

I think that because of the problem I have with gluten, the dough conditioners make it worse, (I wonder if it could be the other way around--the dough conditioners triggered my reaction to wheat gluten.) Anyway, I can eat some breads and not others without a histamine reaction. However, the other brain symptoms are still a problem from the gluten.

Some chemical exposures can make allergies of any kind worse since they can trigger the allergy, or cause someone to react to something they weren't allergic to before.

Petrochemicals like car exhaust, oil furnaces, Formaldehyde, Chlorine, Phenol, Ethanol, Flouride, Benzyl Alcohol, Glycerine.

Avoiding exposure to these can reduce the total load on the child's immune system.

A Rationale for Using Diet to Treat Autism

Autism is multi-factoral in nature, in other words, it has more than one cause.

Each Autistic person is unique in how they aquired the Autism symptoms that they have. And the only thing they truly share is the list of symptoms that commonly appear together, such as, no or very little language, poor motor skills, extreme social delays, tantrums, stimming, extreme innattentiveness, insomnia, lack of fear in dangerous situations, poor judgement, impulsivity, low awareness of pain, etc. There are some symptoms that also appear, but are overshadowed by the more extreme symptoms like lack of communication and tantrums, so that few have paid a lot of attention to the fact that many Autistics have lots of GI problems, inflammatory problems, circles under the eyes, are pale, and have wrist drop and ankle drop (symptoms of lead poisoning.) Because an Autistic person has poor communication combined with a low body awareness, and is often late in toilet training, these symptoms can go under the radar even though they might be red flags in a non-Autistic person.

Its easy to think that they are pale, underweight or uncoordinated because they are such picky eaters that often they limit their food choices to five or fewer foods. And these foods can have "bizzare" patterns to them, for instance, one child will only eat foods that are beige in color. But more Doctors are thinking that it is the GI symptoms, allergic symptoms and thrush-like symptoms that are causing the child to eat less variety of foods to begin with. They have sumrised that healing the childs body and brain will help them to tolerate more foods more easily.

The child is trying to limit foods to those he feels better eating, but he/she has no idea which foods those are, because of the opiates produced by the toxins in the foods, they are not able to be as aware of their body as a normal child is. Some foods increase the opiates, so the pain of GI symptoms appear to lessen, when really this is part of the original problem. Some foods are bland and have an easy texture to tolerate, because the child has a very sensitive mouth and GI tract due to a candida infection, but the same bland foods, like breads and cheeses, have more of the candida in them that is causing the problem. So the problem, if left to the child's tastes alone, may only get worse and worse.

There are some very good books out now about the problem of chronic inflammation in causing everything from heart disease to mental illness. So the next thing I will discuss is doing a different kind of dietary intervention (this is also something the lay person can do--parents or caregivers.)This would be an elimination diet, specific to the individual. The elimination of wheat, dairy, yeast, and food additives are things that any person can do for many different health reasons, and many non-Autistic people have GI and inflammatory symptoms from eating these foods. However, when a person or child has an irritated GI tract, or their immune system is over-reactive due to various reasons, they can become allergic to a specific food.

It is our immune system that constantly monitors the foods we injest, the air we breathe and everything we come into contact with, and decides if it is "me" or "not me." Self, or not self? It says, "Do I let this in, or do I reject it?" And if it decides the substance is "not self" the immune system can destroy anything--any part of the body, (in type 1 diabetes, it is the pancreas) even itself (as in AIDS.)

In my opinion, an allergy begins when the immune system is activated in a way that is dysfunctional. If a tissue in the body becomes irritated by something over a long period of time, that tissue, be it the lungs, or the mucous membranes of the mouth or eyes, or the skin, can over-react to that something, even if it is beneficial, like food. For instance, the lining tissue of the lungs can become inflammed from exposure to cigarette smoke, but often it requires the addition of preservatives in cigarettes, to create the immune response that leads to emphazema. It is not the nicotine alone, usually, or the nicotine patches would cause an allergy to nicotine.

Another way is from the mother's immune system. The child inherits some of the mother's immune responses, good or bad, to foods and other things in the environment. The third way is triggered by a toxin interfering with the normal development of the immune system's vocabulary. We are born with only a partially developed immune system, part of which is inherited, part of which has been learned in the womb from the mother, and part of which needs "training" by exposure to various things after birth, and by continued training via the mother's colostrum (the immune factors in mother's milk.) This process isn't complete for many years after birth.

Sometimes a peanut allergy is genetically inherited and sometimes it is learned from exposure to the mother's immune response, and sometimes it is caused by toxins suppplied with peanuts in the form of pesticides sprayed on the crops, which cause the developing immune system to go haywire as it is fine-tuning its response to various substances. Most pesticides work to derail the nervous system of the insects it is designed to thwart. These chemicals often do not pose a problem for adults who have a fully functioning immune system, and to whom the exposure is relatively small due to body size. However, they might be a signal to an immature human nervous system that this food, containing a tiny amount of poison, is actually a poison itself, and should be rejected. The very young child will reject bitter-tasting foods because the bitter taste often is the signal of a toxin or substance that their immature GI system is unable to handle yet. With many presentations of a particular food (up to 20-40 times) by a trusted adult, a child's immune system will begin to accept a new food as safe. This is much better of a system, than having all children being born with an openness to just about any food--since toddlers are almost impossible to follow around and limit every second of every day. Perhaps years ago, this tendency prevented many accidental food poisonings (not all, but certainly the child would be less likely to eat spoiled food, left out, or toxic plants, for instance.)

The body sends many uncomfortable signals and responses to indicate to a child to reject a food. For one thing, the child has about 100 times as many taste buds as an adult. And the uncomfortable inflammation of mucous membranes, headaches, runny eyes and nose, nausea, even vomiting, can cause the infant or young child to limit the foods he/she eats drastically.

A common problem that seems to have occured with Autism, is that a heavy metal was used to preserve a weakened or killed deadly disease organism and was injected into very young babies during the time before weaning when normally a baby is using their mother's clostrum to fine-tune its very premature immune system. The baby's immune system over-reacts at the same time it has been exposed to a neuro-toxin (mercury), and so is partially impaired. This is very sad, because the same reason mercury works to hurt bacteria in the immunization vials, is the same reason it hurts the child's nervous system. Mercury is a neuro toxin. That's why it was used to begin with. It kills cells--any living cells--human or otherwise, particularly growing and dividing cells. (Like the kind in a growing child--and before age 4 -- a time the brain is doubling in size!) If it was any less toxic, it could be used similarly to kill cancer cells.

This is further complicated by the fact that the baby is being exposed to more than one weakened disease at one time--up to three in one exposure. This would normally never happen in real life-- a quadruple threat to the immune system at a very immature age--a heavy metal toxin exposure, a viral exposure, and a bacterial exposure at once. Infant human bodies were simply never designed to have to deal with this type of intense threat at once.*

Somehow the finely tuned immune response (it has to be finely tuned in order to "learn" what is food, what is not food, what is "safe" and what is not safe, and what is part of its own body--and what is not) gets its wires crossed.

*In real life, this combination would surely kill a child. Where any single bacterium or virus might only kill some percentage (say, 50%) of babies before the advent of immunizations, and so pass on some kind of genetic advantage to future generations.

A Personal Experience Putting an Autistic Boy on the GFCF Diet

Ok, I thought I would share with you my personal experience because I am not a Doctor.

My personal experience is with a child who had moderate Autism, no language, hearing issues, behavior issues, pica, and all the classic signs of Autism 11 years ago. He was diagnosed by 3 different Doctors so he could be admitted into a research program for Autism. (Dr. Lovaas's Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) research study.) I was trained to do this treatment also, as well as recruiting and training all the therapists who worked with us with supervision from the Wisconsin Early Autism Project. The ABA therapy helped tremendously. In fact, I don't think my son would have ever learned to talk or read without this therapy. But it doesn't address the organic cause of the Autism, which, at the time, nobody knew anything about or what to do for it. At least in my City. The diet was only one of many things we tried with our son.

But the diet is so important to his well-being that we have tried it more than once, even though at the time we first tried it, I struggled with it because there was so little information about it, and I couldn't get the other family members to be on the same page with it. This time around is so much easier, and I have the whole family on it so cooking is simpler. Everybody seems to like it and I have more specialized products available to replace some of the things we missed the most, like frozen waffles and ice cream.

Also, Oprah went on a diet that is called "The 21 Day Cleanse" which is supposed to be GFCF also, but eliminates meat, too. So more people are looking for GFCF alternatives. The demand is up for more products, and resources.

This is how we started. His whole life, my son has limited himself to about 5 foods total. Sometimes the specific foods change, but he stays with about 5 choices, period. He screams as if you are trying to poison him if you offer him a food he won't tolerate. He runs from the kitchen if I cook something he doesn't like because of the cooking smells in the room. So I went to several nutritionists early on, and had a feeding study done at the hospital, and we did specialized "feeding therapy" all to no avail. One time a feeding tube was mentioned (another parent called it a "brain bypass.") I mean, therapy helped to at least keep him from starving, but didn't change his basic behavior around food. As he grew older, he didn't grow out of his food issues. As he learned to talk (thank God) he started to say he was a vegetarian to help make his case for not eating what he didn't/couldn't/wouldn't eat. He has to smell everything before eating it, and can taste even tiny "adulterations" we might make to sneak in healthy things. He even has to have certain "Brands" of food, with exactly the right label and packaging before he will eat it. So I thought a diet of any kind was out of the question. So I put it off several years after hearing about it, because I just wasn't up to it. (We were running a 30-40 hour a week therapy program out of our house at the time.)

After many, many small introductions to foods with the help of therapists and family, we got him to eat most vegetables and fruit, because I figured that people seem to do just fine on a vegan diet, which is the most restrictive so-called "normal" diet I could find that would sustain a long life. I figured that if I could get him to at least eat like a vegan, that would be an improvement!!

So introducing this diet wasn't as difficult as it could have been, because a vegan diet has no dairy products already. Every time he ate a new food we would celebrate, and he would get "points" which we use to reward him with his favorite games and kid stuff.

As it stands now, here is a list of the foods he will eat, and also fit the GF/CF yeast-free diet:

potatoes, rice, sweet red pepper, romaine lettuce, apples, pears, grapes, kiwi, sweet peas, cucumber, carrots, celery, peanuts, cashews, almonds, rasperries, strawberries, cherries, black olives, raisins, maple syrup, olive oil, 100% fruit juices, popcorn, corn chips, dairy-free chocolate, grapefruit, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, watermelon, green beans, red cabbage, oranges, bananas, blue potatoes, blue corn chips, cauliflower, broccoli, zuchini, honey, lemon, lime, iodized sea salt, gluten-free ketsup, garlic, onion, blueberries, blackberries, yams, sweet potato, brussels sprouts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cherry tomatoes, peaches, nectarines, parsley, gluten-free cookies, gluten-free crackers, Rice Chex, Gluten-free waffles, sorbet, sherbert, home-made popcicles, natural sugar, tapioca flour, certified gluten-free oats, GFCF granola bars called "Luna".

He takes various vitamins and supplements to balance things out, and are also theraputic. I will list these next post.

When we go to McDonald's, he can have: A side salad with french dressing, an order of fries, apple dippers, an orange juice (not orange drink), and I bring a handful of cashews for protein. Right now this minute he is eating organic "Spud Puppies" which are usually called Tater Tots, with ketchup, home-made lemonaid, some slices of sweet red pepper, a couple of leaves of leafy green lettuce, 10 maple coated cashews, and half of a peach. He's normal weight and height for his age, speaks with perfect diction, is mainstreamed in school and working at his grade level, has about 6 friends who call him daily and arrange activities, (one of his friends just called now), loves drawing cartoons, and is a computer whiz.

He still needs to be coaxed into eating some of these foods, for instance, if he was cooking for himself he would still only eat 5 foods. But these are all foods he will eat, with just a little coaxing, which is a big difference from running screaming from the room! His description of his diet is "anything without eyes." Which I guess works.

I am perpetually working on a new food with him, which takes several months to a year for him to tolerate. Right now, we are working on garbanzo beans (chick peas.) This means presenting it to him in tiny amounts very gradually (first he just has to tolerate looking at the food without gagging.) Then we go to touching it, smelling it, and then finally tasting a tiny amount. Most foods I present un-cooked (except for potatoes, rice, waffles, and chicken, which he says has eyes and so this will be harder) un-altered, and with no dips or sauces. I think its easier for him because he can "standardize" in his mind the taste/texture of the food better that way.

The longer we follow the diet, and the more carefully we follow it, the easier it is for him to eat things. I think his system is healing, he is thinking clearer, and he can tolerate more tastes and textures than before we put him on this diet.

Additional References and Supports

Here's an article about this diet written by another mother of an Autistic child who has had good results with it. It describes some of the points in more detail than I have here.

Lisa S. Lewis, Ph.D.

Here's a great magazine that has a section on this diet every month. It has recipes for baked goods, and also discusses how to live well without other foods like corn, soy, peanuts for those who are allergic to other foods.

"Living Without Magazine"

This book explains the gastroenterology research, and explains more why this works specifically for Autism, and the interventions which led to the recovery of Karyn’s son:

"Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and PDD – A Mother’s Story of Research and Recovery" By Karyn Seroussi.

What do coffee shops have "milk" wise that I can have so I don't get any casein?

Most coffee shops offer soy milk, which is what I get.

I am not trying for soy-free because the diet I am on includes no yeast products also (just too many restrictions.) I don't buy a lot of soy for protein because I still eat meats, mostly seafood and organic chicken. I think investing in small bottles to carry Almond, or Rice milk might be your only choice then. I have a cooler in my van all the time, to put stuff from the Farmer's Market. You can get small individual serving size packages of rice milk in packages of 6, and keep that in your car. I have also used coconut milk for replacing part of the milk in a recipe, but it is a high-fat product. Coconut milk is very healthy and just fine if you aren't overweight.

You can also try a product that is dairy free milk in a powder form, made from potato flour. It is slightly sweetened and tastes like milk. The powder might be easier to take with you.

I like this product. You can buy it by the case, and it has a nice mixer-pitcher that helps you mix it to dissolve the powder.

Vance's DariFree 1-800-497-4834
Dari-Free Milk Alternative (now made without honey)
Dari-Free Chocolate Milk Alternative

Because it doesn't dissolve that easily, give it to the Coffee server before they make your coffee to add when they mix it up. I know a lot of people are removing soy from their diets because it might be a problem for people with thyroid issues and because of the phyto-estrogens. But I think these effects are mainly for people who consume large amounts of soy-based products daily, such as newer vegetarians who haven't changed their cooking style yet, and use a lot of processed meat substitutes.The amount of soy you are talking about isn't that much, and if you aren't allergic to soy, it might be fine just for coffee.

Our Family's Favorite GFCF Products

Ok, I am not selling anything.

But for those who are thinking of trying this diet, I would like to recommend my personal favorite products to get you started. (These are simply things my family and I like. I don't work for them, or know them personally.)

I looked in my pantry, and after being on this diet twice, and over a period of years having the whole family on it, this is what we have in the house.

We love:
Van's Gluten-Free Waffles,
Pasta Joy pastas (they come in all different types),
Purely Decadent Dairy Free "Ice Cream", Yum! I am having some right now!
Bob's Red Mill Oats,
Kinnikinnick Foods English Muffins and Gluten Free bread,
San-J organic Tamari, (wheat free soy sauce)
General Mills Rice Chex

A lot of stuff kind of comes and goes, and some things you don't really need to replace, you just start eating and cooking differently. For instance, pouring melted cheese onto Chinese food doesn't realy make it taste any better. Or serving it over bread instead of rice. You could do it, but why? If it tastes good and works, you don't need to.

Improvements Seen With the GFCF Diet

The GF/CF diet has shown to improve these symptoms:

poor language skills
bowel disorders
mood disorders
hyperactive behaviors
skin problems like eczema
insomnia, fatigue
cognitive disorders
metabolic disorders like thyroid dysfunction
reactions to foods like swelling, bloating and food cravings

There are four separate and unique ways that gluten and casein can become a problem.
An individual child can have one or all of these:
1. Allergic reaction (IgE or IgG food reactions) to the foods, causing inflammation and swelling in both the body and the brain, causing migranes, congestion, ear infections, etc. IgE allergies are more severe, but less common than IgG allergies.

2. The person is lacking the digestive enzyme essential to digest these proteins, called DPP4.
Lactose intolerance (the person is lacking in the enzyme essential for digesting lactose, called lactase.)
This causes toxins to form during incomplete digestion-- in addition to causing bloating, gas, nausea, muscle pain, restless legs, and IBS type symptoms.

3. Neurological (mood and behavior altering) effects from the opiods produced when gluten and casein aren't digested completely, including an addictive pattern. Causing foggy thinking, hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattentiveness, irritability and moodiness.

4. GI problems (inflammation) cause malabsorption of necessary nutrients that some Autistics are genetically predisposed to be low in, such as Glutathione, and this can result in the child having an inability to detoxify heavy metals from their systems (by methylation.)

A child can have all four problems, so simply supplementing with the deficient enzymes is not enough. There are numerous problems caused by the inflammation from allergic reactions to the foods themselves.

A large percentage of the American population has a deficiency of the particular enzyme that breaks down gluten, DPP4. This enzyme is also involved in the digestion of milk products.

There are lab tests that can indicate whether your child will respond to a gluten-free diet. You can first have them tested for Celiac disease, which is the most extreme form of gluten sensitivity. Then have them tested for IgE and IgG food reactions/reactivity (allergy). However, a child can have damaging neurological effects from the opiod peptides without having celiac disease or food allergies.

The testing can help to provide you with some certainty about the connection between these foods and your child's behavior, but simply going on the diet, and staying on it for a period of about 3 months (after you have the diet completely in place) is acceptable since wheat and dairy are the most common food allergens anyway, and if the child improves on the diet, you will then have your answer. The testing might help with getting insurance coverage for certain things related to your child's care, or can help you to tailor the diet with additional restrictions based on allergic reactions to more foods than are covered by the GF/CF diet.

Taking digestive enzyme supplements can help, but is often not a sufficient solution to the problem of the child's inability to digest gluten and casein.

Substitutes for things with Gluten and Casein in them

Rice, rice flour, Rice Chex
Amaranth, combines well with three parts rice flour for baking (buy it and keep it refrigerated)Arrowroot, similar to cornstarch, great for thickening sauces, use one part Arrowroot to three parts other gluten-free flours for baking.
Buckwheat is actually not wheat (related to Rhubarb)
Teff (African grain) is slightly sweet
Potato Starch
Millet, a high-protein grain, not good for baking because it is too crumbly, works in dishes similar to couscous.

Goat's Milk has only trace amounts of one specific type of casein, so sometimes is a suitable substitute for cow's milk for some people.
Soy Milk--be careful not to ingest too much soy if you have a thyroid problem.
Rice Milk
Nut Milks (Almond, for example)
Soy Ice Cream
Rice Ice Cream
Fruit Ices--check ingredients, some of these contain small amounts of milk. Avoid those with high fructose corn syrup.
Non-Dairy Margarines--Avoid those with yellow dye, and hydrogenated oils.
Non-Dairy Yogurts, Cheeses, and Sour Cream, such as tofu sour cream, soy cheese and soy yogurt.

Children With Autism are Often Very Picky Eaters

Many parents worry that they will not be able to get their child to change the way they eat, because they are such picky eaters. However, I have found that if the diet is what they are needing, that they seem to take to it pretty quickly, even in a matter of days--and because their minds are clearer, they can accept the change more easily.

Autistics like "rules" and sometimes are the "experts" at diets, because they have been self-limiting on their own already.

I like this quote:

"Food is like a pharmaceutical compound that affects the brain.

Diet, exercise and sleep have the potential to alter our brain health and mental function. This raises the exciting possibility that changes in diet are a viable strategy for enhancing cognitive abilities, protecting the brain from damage and counteracting the effects of aging."

-- Fernando G. Pinilla, a UCLA professor of neurosurgery and physiological science who has spent years studying the effects of food, exercise and sleep on the brain.

What Foods Should Be Avoided?

General list of foods to avoid when starting out:

Artificial cream
Artificial sweeteners
Baby foods
Bread crumbs
Bread rolls
Dry roasted peanuts
Prepared Gravy
Prepared Hot chocolate
Hot dogs (the fillers)
Luncheon meat
Malted milk
Pancakes Pastry
Sandwich spreads
Soups: canned/packet
Vegetarian Cheeses (have casein as an additive)

* except those labelled Gluten-free

Baked Beans
Baking Powder
Barley Malt
Barley Sugar
Bleached All-Purpose Flour
Boullion Cubes/Powder
Bran (except rice bran)
Cereal (except Rice Chex, and cereals labeled gluten-free)
Chicken Nuggets (the breading)
Crackers (except those labeled gluten-free)
Curry Powder
Durum Wheat
Enriched Flour
Flour Tortillas
Graham Flour
Ice-cream Cones
Ice-cream Syrup
Malt Extract
Malt Flavoring
Malt Syrup
Malt Vinegar
Mustard Powder
Oat Flour
Oatmeal (except certified gluten-free, Red Mill has one)
Pasta (except labelled gluten-free, Pasta Joy has some good pastas)
Pearl Barley
Pita Bread
Rice Malt
Rye Flour
Rye Semolina
Soy Sauce (Tamari is ok)
Stuffing Mixes
Teriyaki Sauce
VinegarWaffles (except for Van's Gluten Free)
Wheat Bran
Wheat Flour
Wheat Germ
Wheat Malt

Bavarian Cream
Butter (except clarified or Ghee)
Cheese powder
Cheese slices
Cheese spreads
Condensed Milk
Cooking Chocolate
Cottage Cheese
Cream Cheese
Curd Cheese
Dried Milk
Evaporated Milk
Goat's Milk
Ice Cream
Lactalbumin phosphate
Lactate Acid
LactoglobulinLemon Curd
MargarineMayonnaise (except labelled casein free)
Milk Chocolate
Milk Powder
Milk Solids
Nonfat Milk
Skimmed milk
Sodium Caseinate
Sour Cream
Sour Cream Solids
Whey Protein
Sodium Caseinate
Whey Sugar
Whey Syrup
Whipped Cream
* Even vegetarian cheeses often contain casein, so be sure to check the labels

Many of the foods listed here now have gluten-free, casein-free substitutes. Start with these lists, and then used GFCF labeled substitutes to replace things you miss.

What If I Slip Up and Eat The Wrong Thing?

If a person on this diet slips up and eats some gluten or casein, they can take:


Peptidase is a digestive enzyme that breaks down the partial proteins (peptides) that gluten and casein can create.

What Is Acceptable to Eat on The GFCF Diet?

Now that we got that out of the way.....

Here's a general description of what is acceptable to eat on a gluten-free diet:
Several grains and starch sources are considered acceptable for a gluten-free diet. The most frequently used are maize, potatoes, rice, and tapioca (derived from cassava). Other grains and starch sources generally considered suitable for gluten-free diets include amaranth, arrowroot, millet, montina, lupine, quinoa, sorghum (jowar), sweet potato, taro, teff, and yam. Various types of bean, soybean, and nut flours are sometimes used in gluten-free products to add protein and dietary fiber. In spite of its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat; pure buckwheat is considered acceptable for a gluten-free diet, although many commercial buckwheat products are actually mixtures of wheat and buckwheat flours, and thus not acceptable. Gram flour, derived from chickpeas, is also gluten-free.

--Source, Wikipedia

And here's more about eliminating Casein from the diet:
The theory is that eating or drinking milk protein leads to high levels of protein by-products, called casomorphines, in some children with autism. These by-products may then affect behavior like a drug would. In these children, casomorphines could reduce their desire for social interaction, block pain messages, and increase confusion. If milk protein is taken out of the diet, the idea is that this will reduce the level of casomorphines, and behavior will improve as a result.

--Source, healing thresholds dot com

What is Gluten? What is Casein?

Here's a more detailed description of the diet.

It has two parts. Gluten-free, means you don't eat anything with a protein called gluten in it.

What is gluten?
Put simply, gluten is a form of protein found in wheat (including spelt, semolina and durum), rye, barley and triticale (a hybrid).To get a little scientific, these grains each have slightly different proteins (gliadin in wheat, secalin in rye and hordein in barley) collectively known as prolamins. These promalins are what cause problems for people who can't tolerate gluten in their diet.

If you mix wheat flour with a little water the result is a sort of stretchy paste. The gluten in the flour is what makes the paste "elastic" and binds it together. In fact "strong" flour, sold for making bread, has extra gluten added. Wheat gluten itself, is a cheap source of protein.

In China and Japan pure gluten is traditionally used as a protein substitute in vegetarian food such as burgers, giving them a "meat like texture." The Japanese call it Fu but it is more commonly known as seitan -- or wheat meat in America -- where it is also sometimes added to breads to increase density or improve the texture. You may even find it in shampoo!
--Source: The Gluten Free Chef dot com

The second part is you don't eat anything with Casein in it.

What is Casein?
Casein is a protein that is found in milk and used independently in many foods as a binding agent. Technically, it is part of a group called phosphoproteins, collections of proteins bound to something containing phosphoric acid. Casein may also be called caseinogen, particularly in European foods.

Casein is a salt, meaning it has no net ionic charge, of the element calcium. It has a number of interesting properties that make it useful in foods and cooking.

Many people believe proteins are healthier if consumed when not denatured – one of the major lines of reasoning used in supporting a raw food diet. Denaturing occurs when a protein loses its inherent structure, due to high heat or acid for example, at which point it no longer acts in the ordinary manner. Casein, because of its structure, is not susceptible to denaturing.

Casein can be found in two main types: edible and technical. Edible casein is widely used in both medicine and food, both for nutritional value and as a binder.

Technical casein is used in an enormous range of products, including paints, cosmetics, and many types of adhesives. A not-insubstantial number of people have a casein allergy and may find themselves experiencing negative reactions both to casein-containing food products and to products such as nail polish that contain casein.

Many people who are either allergic to casein and have linked it to milk, or who are vegan and therefore avoid animal products altogether, are not aware of the prevalence of casein in foods. For these people, it is important to note that, although a product may be labeled Lactose Free, it may easily still contain casein for other reasons. Soy cheeses, for example, often contain casein derived from milk, which may stimulate allergic reactions in people who assume that they are dairy free.

Casein has also been linked to negative effects in people with autism. While in most people, casein is easily broken down by the digestive system into peptides known as casomorphins, and then further processed into basic amino acids, some evidence suggests that in autistics, this process does not occur fully. The resulting casomorphins, which fail to break down completely, may have an effect on the body similar to that of morphine or other opiates. For this reason, some experts on autism recommend that people suffering from autism avoid casein in their diets.
--Source, wisegeek dot com

Casein has been documented to break down to produce the peptide casomorphin, an opioid that appears to act primarily as a histamine releaser. Casomorphine is suspected by some sources to aggravate the symptoms of autism.Casein has a molecular structure that is quite similar to that of gluten. Thus, most gluten-free diets are combined with casein-free diets and referred to as a gluten-free, casein-free diet.

Casein may also be a trigger of migraines and other types of headaches. Casein may also be linked to the promotion of cancer and other diseases which was discovered in the 1980s by nutrition and health researcher, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study.

Casein is often listed as sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate or milk protein. These are often found in energy bars, drinks as well as packaged goods.

--Source, Wikipedia

GFCF Diet For Treating Autism

Diet and Autism
Autism is sometimes seen as a mental health problem, with a physical component, but no one really knows what causes Autism yet so its hard to categorize it.

There is definitely a place for therapy, as in speech therapy, behavioral therapy and relational therapy, and any treatment for Autism should include these to really be successful. However, I am starting this posting specifically to discuss the GF/CF diet because it there is a lot to discuss about this particular therapy lately.

GF/CF is an acronym for Gluten-Free, Casein-Free. In brief, this means no wheat, no dairy.Anyway, my whole family is on this diet. We've done the diet before, but it was difficult to do back then because there were so few resources available on it. This time around has been much easier, and because of putting the whole family on it, we have had a better time following it. After 7 months this time around, I can say that the effort has paid off, and my Autistic son is considerably improved (although it is not a cure.) The rest of the family have never felt better, and because of the many improvements in all of us, my Sister, Mother, a Neice and some others have all gone on it.

Now it seems that about 30% to 50% of Autistics improve on this diet, enough to justify continuing to do it. Many other families I know are following it, including one person with MS who says it helps her with her symptoms.

My question is, Is anyone else on this diet? Is anyone else here considering trying it? If you have, what works for you in following it? Do you have any good recipes that kids like? Have you seen results from it? Are you strict or lenient with following it? Is your child's school helping or not?

I will be posting more about the diet since it helps Webster's brother so much.

All-Time Favorite Books

in no particular order...

"Living The Infinite Way," and "The Art of Spiritual Healing" by Joel Goldsmith

"Mister God, This is Anna" by Fynn

"Illusions" by Richard Bach

"Hope for the Flowers"by Trina Paulus

"Dancing Wu Li Masters" by Gary Zukav

"The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes" by Ken Wilber

"Son Rise: The Miracle Continues" by Barry Neil Kaufman, Raun Kaufman

"Love Is Letting Go of Fear" by Gerald G. Jampolsky

"Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In" by Roger Fisher, William L. Ury

"Getting Past No" by William Ury

"Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance; An Inquiry into Values" by Robert M. Pirsig

"Lila: An Inquiry into Morals" by Robert M. Pirsig

"The Road Less Travelled" by M. Scott Peck

"Zen and the Art of Leadership"

"Zen in the Art of Archery" by Eugen Herrigel

"You Can Heal Your Life"by Louise Hay

"Love, Medicine and Miracles" by M.D. Bernie S. Siegel

"A Course In Miracles"

"Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories That Heal" by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.

"Gift from the Sea"by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

"Living Alone and Liking It"by Lynn Shahan

"Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda

"Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux" by John G. Neihardt

"Animal Liberation" by Peter Singer

"Happiness Is a Choice" by Barry Neil Kaufman (check author--there are two books by this name)

"Alcoholism the Biochemical Connection: A Breakthrough Seven-Week Self-Treatment Program" by Joan Mathews-Larson, Phd.

"Sink Reflections" by Marla Cilley


"Women Don't Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide" by Linda Babcock, Sara Laschever

"Case Against Divorce" by Diane Medved

"Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie

"Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your Life"
by Henry Cloud, John Townsend, John Sims Townsend

"How to Win Friends And Influence People" by Dale Carnegie

“Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting” by Holly W. Whitcomb

“Notes on How to Live in the World…And Still Be Happy” by Hugh Prather

Our Family Guidelines

Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Respect the right to disagree.

Express your real concerns.

Share common goals and interests.

Open yourself to different points of view.

Listen carefully to all proposals.

Understand the major issues involved.

Think about probable consequences.

Imagine several possible alternative solutions.

Offer some reasonable compromises.

Negotiate mutually fair cooperative agreements.

~Robert E. Valett

Even rabbits need guidelines for behavior...

Favorite Comfort Soup Recipe

Fancy Bright Red Soup
Turns pink when you add a spoonful of mayonnaise to the bowl just before serving.

[Gluten-free/Casein-free, vegan]

This soup is bright red and delicious. Should put a healthy blush on your cheeks and color on your lips and according to Chinese medicine, should be good for your blood. I make this during “that time.” It will replenish you, satisfy you, and you won’t have cravings or mood swings.

Serves 6

Use all organic ingredients to minimize pesticides.
Buy locally grown products to help the environment (less shipping.)
This soup is great for making after a visit to the local Farmer’s Market.
It's great in the winter or fall, since it uses winter vegetables.
It is excellent served cold in the summer.

4 beets with tops, peeled, cubed and reserve ½ of the leafy part of the tops.
1 large onion, or 2 leeks, or 4 scallions, chopped
2 to 4 carrots with tops, sliced or cubed.
1 medium sweet red pepper, chopped
2 stalks of celery with tops, chopped
6-8 leaves of red cabbage (1/4 of a cabbage), chopped
3-4 small red potatoes, scrubbed and microwaved for a few minutes each, cut into quarters
1 small apple, peeled and cubed, or 1 Tbsp real maple syrup
1 can of black beans
½ can of tomato paste (freeze the rest in a baggie for next time.)
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
1/4 tsp. Turmeric
1 Tbsp. Fresh dill, chopped
1 tsp sea salt, more to taste
¼ tsp pepper, more to taste
¼-1/3 cup Organic extra virgin olive oil
mushrooms, any kind, cubed, (optional)
2-3 slices of fresh lemon, squeezed, to taste
2 – 3 cups of hot water
gluten-free/casein-free canola mayonnaise, 6 Tbsp.

cast iron skillet and stock pot, a very sharp Chinese vegetable knife helps with all the chopping.

In a cast iron skillet, saute the onions in some of the olive oil until golden, add crushed garlic, sauté a minute, set aside.
Saute the mushrooms, set aside.
Boil the water.
Saute the beets, carrots, celery, red pepper, apple, a few minutes in some of the olive oil.
Add the red cabbage, sauté two more minutes.
Add the beans and potatoes, cook for a few minutes.
Combine with the previously sauted ingredients.
Add the hot water.
Add some of the carrot and beet tops, to taste.
Don’t overcook.
Add the salt, pepper, lemon juice to taste.

Simmer 10 minutes.

Just before serving, remove a few quarters of potato, and mash with a fork and add back to the soup to thicken it. Add water if needed to make it less thick.
You can also take 1/3 of the soup and put it in a blender to make it smoother.

Serve in bowls with a tablespoon of mayonnaise on top.
While eating the soup, when you stir the mayo into the soup, it turns pink.

I sometimes make this soup with meat as a flavoring.
Start by sautéing a few soup bones (lately I like lamb,) then set aside, and in the same pan, sauté the vegetables. The bones and the marrow add a lot of the flavor.
You can also get a good flavor by sauteing a few strips of bacon first, and using some of the drippings to sauté the vegetables, mix ½ and ½ with the olive oil.
Or you can use a good quality organic chicken stock. I also have used lamb for this dish. Never use large amounts of meat. 1 –2 ounces per person is enough.
Add the meat back into the dish when combining everything before simmering.

Favorite Family Recipe

Roasted Potato Fries

I make these 3 times per week for a child who can mainly eat potatoes for health reasons.

Everyone who comes to the house loves them, and they are as healthy as I can get them because it’s the staple of one child's diet.
Don't skimp on the ingredients! There are only 3, if you use lesser quality ingredients, you will notice the difference.

Organic Potatoes - any kind but Russets are great, preferably locally grown
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Iodized Natural Sea Salt (sea salt has much more flavor than regular salt)

Mandolin or fry press (you can get these at any cooking supply store, such as Bed Bath & Beyond) for cutting.
This saves a LOT of time, and these tools can be used to also cut yams, beets and other veggies quickly.
Large baking sheet pan
Large mixing bowl

Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees. (higher heat can create carcinogens in the oil)

Scrub well or peel potatoes. Cut each potato in half.
Use mandolin or fry slicer to make French fry cut slices into the bowl.
Put the baking sheet into the oven to preheat for about 40 seconds. (This makes them less likely to stick to the pan.)
Pour a generous amount of olive oil into the bowl over the slices (about 1/2 to 3/4 cup for 7 to 10 potaoes.)
With clean hands, toss the potatoes thoroughly with the oil. (Rub the remaining oil into your hands and arms, and then rinse lightly for the best skin treatment ever!)
Spread in one closely packed layer onto the hot baking pan (potatoes should sizzle.)

Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until edges of fries are lightly browning.

Sprinkle pan generously with sea salt.

This method makes roasted potatoes that are technically not fries.
This actually wastes less oil, since re-heating oil can cause cancer-causing chemicals to develop.

To help the environment, put the potato peels into a compost bin. The worms love them!I have heard that refrigeration also causes some kind of change in chemistry and taste to potatoes that is not good, so we always make these fresh.

It helps to rinse or soak the potatoes before cooking.

This recipe works for any root vegetable. You can make an entire dinner this way, by cutting up other similarly hard vegetables and tossing them in the olive oil with the potatoes, such as carrots, and sweet potatoes or yams. On a separate baking pan, you can spread any in-season, locally grown vegetable, cut into serving size pieces, including tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers (all three colors), and eggplant, tossed in olive oil, and bake them at the same time, but remove this pan sooner as the softer vegetables take less time to cook--usually 10 to 20 minutes. This makes the vegetables perfectly for a side dish of roasted vegetables, and this is also a good beginning to a roasted vegetable soup.

Roasting the vegetables brings out their flavors well before making them into soup.
