as a Gluten-Free Ingredient
and exposure to Cyanide
have a concern about the large amounts of tapioca being used in
making gluten-free products. Usually, the main ingredient is rice
flour, and potato flour/starch, and then tapioca plus a lesser amount
of variety of other ingredients.
I have been getting a reaction from eating certain GF pre-prepared
foods. It could be cross-contamination if it is in a restaurant.
But my home is gluten-free. It could be that I am reacting to one of
the ingredients. It could be that the flours are processed in
facilities that process other white flours, and they could easily
become mixed up in the packaging process, or during storage or
with Autism are suspected of having an inherited or pre-disposed
lowered or impaired ability to detoxify toxins from food and exposure
in the environment. This could be from liver damage, also. This
makes them more suseptible than the average person to poisoning from
heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, and cyanide.
tapioca plant contains a substance that converts into cyanide in the
body unless it is processed carefully to remove this substance. I am
asking myself many questions:
carefully is this process being done in America, and if the tapioca
is imported, how carefully are we monitoring the tapioca for
remaining amounts of this substance?
if tapioca has the potential to cause cyanide poisoning at all, is it
safe to be used in products that are being given to people who have
Autism, not to mention Celiac disease?
is some research I did:
is made from the root of the cassava plant.
The cassava plant has
either red or green branches with blue spindles on them. The root of
the green-branched variant requires treatment to remove linamarin
a cyanogenic glycoside occurring naturally in the plant, otherwise it
may be converted into cyanide. Konzo (also called
mantakassa) is a paralytic disease associated with several weeks of
almost exclusive consumption of insufficiently processed bitter
cassava. The toxin found in the root of the red-branched variant is
less harmful to humans than the green-branched variety. Therefore,
the root of the red/purple-branched variant can be consumed directly.
So the
question is, which kind of tapioca is in a given product? I wish
there was a requirement for labeling a product as to which kind of
tapioca the flour is made from.
is almost completely protein-free,
and contains practically no vitamins.
Tapioca is used as a thickener because it never discolors and
contains no discernible taste or smell. Moreover, it never coagulates
or separates when refrigerated or frozen, and it leaves baked goods
(especially bread) with a white color.
being a convenient and functional thickener, however, tapioca flour’s
nutritional value leaves a lot to be desired. In fact, from a
nutritional standpoint, it is almost worthless.
Aside from
being very high in carbohydrates and therefore calories (100g of the
flour contains a whopping 340 calories), tapioca flour contains
hardly any fiber, fat, or protein (indeed, protein deficiency is a
common characteristic amongst people living in regions in which
tapioca is a staple food), and practically no vitamins save for trace
amounts of niacin, a B vitamin that helps the nervous system to
function properly.
Tapioca flour
does contains some minerals. 100g of the flour provides us with 1mg
of magnesium and iron, 7mg of phosphorous, 20mg of calcium, and 10mg
of potassium. However, these are unimpressive figures. To put things
in perspective, enriched white flour (widely considered to be
unhealthy) exceeds tapioca flour’s mineral content in every regard,
often considerably. For example, 100g of white flour contains over
100mg of phosphorous and potassium.
tapioca flour is a poor substitute nutritionally, even for replacing
processed white flour.
cobalt in artificial vitamin B12 contains a cyanide ligand as an artifact of the purification process;
this must be removed by the body before the vitamin molecule can be
activated for biochemical use.
occurs when a living organism is exposed to a compound that produces cyanide ions (CN−)
when dissolved in water. Common poisonous cyanide compounds include
cyanide gas and the crystalline solids potassium
cyanide and sodium
cyanide. The cyanide ion halts cellular respiration by inhibiting
an enzyme in the mitochondria called cytochrome
c oxidase.
cyanide anion is an inhibitor
of the enzyme
c oxidase (also known as aa3)
in the fourth complex of the electron
transport chain (found in the membrane of the mitochondria
of eukaryotic cells). It attaches to the iron within this protein.
The binding of cyanide to this cytochrome prevents transport of
electrons from cytochrome
c oxidase to oxygen. As a result, the electron transport chain is
disrupted, meaning that the cell can no longer aerobically produce
for energy. Tissues that depend highly on aerobic
respiration, such as the central
nervous system and the heart,
are particularly affected. This is an example of histotoxic
Blood cyanide concentrations may be measured as a means of confirming the diagnosis in hospitalized patients or to assist in the forensic investigation of a criminal poisoning. Cyanide toxicity can occur following the ingestion of large doses of amygdalin (found in almonds and apricot kernels and marketed as an alternative cancer cure), prolonged administration of sodium nitroprusside, and after exposure to gases produced by the combustion of synthetic materials.
In addition to pesticide and insecticide, cyanide is contained in tobacco smoke, smoke from building fires and some foods, like almonds, apricot kernel, cassava, yucca, manioc, and apple seeds. Vitamin B12 in the form of hydroxycobalamin, or hydroxocobalamin, may reduce the negative effects of chronic exposure, and a deficiency can lead to negative health effects following exposure.
Exposure to lower levels of cyanide over a long period (e.g., after use of cassava roots as a primary food source in tropical Africa) results in increased blood cyanide levels, which can result in weakness and a variety of symptoms, including permanent paralysis, nervous lesions, hypothyroidism, and miscarriages. Other effects include mild liver and kidney damage.
poisoning is sometimes treated with Oxygen, which may explain why
hyperbaric oxygen works for some children with Autism.
can also be treated with a form of vitamin B12:
Hydroxocobalamin | Hydroxocobalamin, a form (or vitamer) of vitamin B12 made by bacteria, and sometimes denoted vitamin B12a, is used to bind cyanide to form the harmless cyanocobalamin form of vitamin B12. Hydroxocobalamin is newly approved in the US and is available in Cyanokit antidote kits. |
an antidote can be from the use of glucose and nitrites, which might
explain why people in our country prefer sugary foods and foods
preserved with nitrites.
Food additive
Due to the high stability of their complexation with iron, ferrocyanides (Sodium ferrocyanide E535, Potassium ferrocyanide E536, and Calcium ferrocyanide E538) do not decompose to lethal levels in the human body and are used in the food industry as, e.g., an anticaking agent in table salt.
could be why iron supplementation can benefit persons with Autism.
am concerned that anti-caking agents are not listed as an ingredient
on food labels except as a number. For people who have trouble
detoxifying cyanide these agents could be very harmful to them,
adding to their total toxic burden.