Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A New Support Groups For Adults On The Autism Spectrum In The Milwaukee, WI Area

Due to a shortage of support and services for adults on the Autism Spectrum in our area, I have been involved in starting a support group for adults on the Autism Spectrum, specifically for those who have been known as having Asperger's Syndrome, although we are not sure what to call it since the diagnostic manual has nixed this syndrome in favor of lumping Asperger's into the Autism category. 

For now, it is called "Aspie United."  It is on Facebook and there is also a blog with the same title on Blogspot.  Its goal is Aspies supporting Aspies, and this will include meet-ups, Advocacy and outings.  There is some talk of starting a 501C3 and forming a way to fundraise so we can have more meeting space, and even have some kind of living arrangements for those needing to transition out of their parent's homes without going into a generalized setting that does not understand Autism that well. 

This group is an offshoot of a group for people with Asperger's Syndrome that meets at Independence First once a month on the second Thursday of the month at 6pm, in Downtown Milwaukee, WI.  The focus of this group is Independence and Employment.

One of the founders of that group is part of this new group.  The idea was to meet more often than once a month.

One of the older members took the Mentoring class at Independence First and began to mentor a younger member for a year.  This person is now mentoring another young adult for the next year.  Mentoring is encouraged to help teach what the older Aspies have learned to younger ones, hopefully so that they can avoid common problems and be more successful and less stressed-out because of having a mentor to go to.

Two additional groups have been formed, both meeting at member's houses.  The first is a planning group that is called Aspie Adventure Association.  This group will meet to plan outings and social get-togethers for the month.

This group meets the Second Thursday of the Month at 6pm.

Then there is
Biological Treatments For Autism Spectrum Disorders Support Group

Information and Support for those following a Biological Treatment Plan for Autism Symptoms.
Topics for discussion will revolve around evidence-based treatments with observable outcomes, which are cost-effective and practical for the individual to do.
Resources and referrals to experienced professionals will be available.

Specific areas to be discussed are:
Autism Research Institute's DAN protocol
Special Diets for Autism, including:
GF/CF diet
Feast Without Yeast Diet and Treatment Plan
Body Ecology Diet
Blood Type Diet
Feingold Diet
Vitamins and Supplements Recommended for Autism Spectrum and ADD
Lab Testing, and prescriptions
Other tests such as Sleep Studies, EEG's, PET scans

Removal of exposure to allergens and toxins which trigger or worsen symptoms in Autism

Shopping, Meal Planning, and Cooking
Making and keeping appointments
Questions to ask
Record keeping

An extensive Library of books, scientific articles and resources on the latest research findings with regard to the treatment of Autism spectrum disorders from a biological standpoint will be available.

Meet and talk with people who have improved following the use of biological treatments.

Third Thursday of the Month at 6pm

This group is focused on Biological Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorders only. It will not be addressing the large topic of rehabilitation therapies, such as ABA, and other educational approaches, such as Rapid Prompting Method, Floor Time, Relationship Development Intervention, Auditory Integration, Hippo Therapy, Companion Animals, and the Association Method.
However, if there is enough interest, this can be the subject of another group.