Thursday, July 31, 2008

GFCF Diet For Treating Autism

Diet and Autism
Autism is sometimes seen as a mental health problem, with a physical component, but no one really knows what causes Autism yet so its hard to categorize it.

There is definitely a place for therapy, as in speech therapy, behavioral therapy and relational therapy, and any treatment for Autism should include these to really be successful. However, I am starting this posting specifically to discuss the GF/CF diet because it there is a lot to discuss about this particular therapy lately.

GF/CF is an acronym for Gluten-Free, Casein-Free. In brief, this means no wheat, no dairy.Anyway, my whole family is on this diet. We've done the diet before, but it was difficult to do back then because there were so few resources available on it. This time around has been much easier, and because of putting the whole family on it, we have had a better time following it. After 7 months this time around, I can say that the effort has paid off, and my Autistic son is considerably improved (although it is not a cure.) The rest of the family have never felt better, and because of the many improvements in all of us, my Sister, Mother, a Neice and some others have all gone on it.

Now it seems that about 30% to 50% of Autistics improve on this diet, enough to justify continuing to do it. Many other families I know are following it, including one person with MS who says it helps her with her symptoms.

My question is, Is anyone else on this diet? Is anyone else here considering trying it? If you have, what works for you in following it? Do you have any good recipes that kids like? Have you seen results from it? Are you strict or lenient with following it? Is your child's school helping or not?

I will be posting more about the diet since it helps Webster's brother so much.

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